Recently their is a trend towards a dwindling birth rate,smaller nuclear family,not many places to play and incorrect education information.
The environment is changing and we are loosing places that provide a good experience.
We want to provide your child with a positive experience,a friendly environment,encourage the children to play together and grow up together.
Help your children have a positive life experience.
Let your children create their own games and ways of playing.This helps them to gain confidence and motivates them in many different ways.
You can play with playground equipment anywhere,but here at Hosen Kindergarten,we want you to have fun with your friends and grow up together.
We encourage the kids to think of their own activities to do on their own and during free time.We encourage the children to be creative with their pictures,crafts and singing.
The children are encourage
to find a subject on their own
and do it them selves.
We are also teaching the
basics of life.